Author: Mark Viraler
Our confession: Lord, You have placed within me a hunger for truth (2 Thess. 2:10). The truth sets me free (Jn. 8:32). I fear God, love truth, hate dishonest gain, and will lead in the area You assign to me (Ex. 18:21).
- So I asked the Lord what role He would have me play in bringing restoration to our nation. He said that since I was a teacher, I was to share the truth with the people so they could make informed decisions. So that is what I am doing in these weekly updates, disseminating truth as I see it.
- I also have the assignment to saturate the world with communion with God, which I have done for the last 40 years. Register here for my free video series on Hearing God's Voice available from August 12 – 25. Additional assignments are to spread love and joy and peace to all I meet. Make sure to smile and greet them warmly so they do not walk by in fear and sorrow and pain. My additional assignment is to pray daily for God to remove the wicked from positions of authority and to establish the righteous into positions of authority. Get daily updates of things to pray about by signing up here.
- Ask God what your assignment is, and then do it. We need all hands on deck!
- Check out my daughter’s assignment in this inspirational podcast with Shawn Boltz – Exploring the Prophetic. I guarantee you WILL be inspired and you WILL learn things you didn’t know.
- Get inspired by watching Flashpoint
- Read Paradise Restored and see that the prophecies of the anti-Christ HAVE been fulfilled and that now we are to press forward into the increase of God’s government of which there will be no end.
- The Lord spoke to me in my journaling on 8-7-21, 5:00 in the morning
When I rose from the dead I received all authority from My Father. I have bestowed that authority upon My Church. They are to use that authority to rule and reign with Me from heavenly places. They are seated with Me in heavenly places to rule and to reign, not to cower and to fear. They are to receive My directions and speak forth My declarations and accomplish My rule and My reign in My Kingdom here on earth.
I came to earth to restore order and to manifest My kingdom. I did manifest My kingdom. Now it is your turn to manifest My kingdom here on earth.
Call My Church to accept their destiny and to manifest My rule and My kingdom here on earth for that perfect amount of time which I have prescribed, which I have symbolized in My word as a thousand-year rule. Behold I have spoken. Behold it is to be done.
Yes, Lord.
Each one is to hear from Me and DO that which I am calling them to do. Each one is to be empowered by Me to accomplish My supernatural work in their lives and to demonstrate My kingdom through their existence. This is My will. This is My plan. This is My purpose for My Church at this time.
Tell them to rise up and fulfill My kingdom's purpose in and through their lives. Behold I have spoken. Behold it is to be done.
Yes, Lord.
Presbyterian minister Albert Barnes once said: “There is no power out of the church that could sustain slavery an hour, if it were not sustained in it.”
Could not the same be said about the moral issues of our day? There is no power out of the church that could sustain sexual immorality in any form (fornication, adultery, divorce, pornography, homosexuality), if it were not sustained in it? There is no power out of the church that could sustain racial hostility an hour, if it were not sustained in it. There is no power outside the church that could sustain abortion an hour, if it were not sustained in it. The Church of Jesus Christ is the only answer to every sin destroying our nation. What are we going to do about it?
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