Author: Mark Virkler
The following two-way journaling is from Susi Birdwell:
Lord, I’d like to start doing art again, but I want it to be more than painting. I want it to be time spent with You. Is this a prompting that's coming from You?
Jesus speaks: The creativity that I’ve put into you is part of the wellspring that I want to cause to bubble up from the inside of you. It’s an expression of who I am and you. I am the Creator. It’s a part of Me in you. Let Me move things out of your heart through your hands. Yield them to Me. Let them flow without striving. Look for the pictures in your heart and put them on paper. It’s not about perfect artwork. It’s about letting go. It’s about being like a child again and just expressing what’s inside you. Let’s just enjoy this together. Watch Me break off things as you do this. Let the joy of creating have its way and do its work within you. Let it be a time for us to be together. I love being creative!
That’s the joy of getting to know someone – the unexpected new things. True, I know all about you. But let’s fellowship like I don’t because I love spending time with you. I don’t get annoyed when you tell Me things I already know. You were made for fellowship with Me. That’s what it’s all about, whether it’s art or work or anything else. It’s part of our walk together, now and forever.
Note from Susi: After I had the original conversation with Him, I put a rough sketch on paper with the door, the woman on the steps, and the shackles. The next day, I was in our prayer room at church, and a friend of mine, Wendy Johnson, sang a 4-line spontaneous song that she only sang through once, but I wrote it down immediately because I felt like it was sung directly to me. Those are the words on the scroll on the wall in the picture, and I knew it had to be included. It was the next little bit that He gave me through someone else. She gave me her permission to include it with my submission of the picture. Later, I got the picture of Jesus standing there with delight, waiting for me to come through into Hope. The background beyond the door didn't come until after I'd finished almost everything else, but I knew He'd give it to me when the time came.
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