Author: Mark Virkler
Chris Harrison is a missionary in Asia. Below is the testimony of his miraculous healing from near death, which was followed by a great expansion in the miracles he saw manifest. Listen to him tell his story and answer the question I asked him as to what he feels brought about the increase in miracles. His answer will build your faith, your compassion and the number of miracles you personally experience!
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Chris shares - Following a campaign in the Philippines, I almost died of a strange illness. I had liver and kidney failure along with three other organs shut down with hours to live (heart attack, stroke and lung collapse). I also had a fever of 105.5 and went totally deaf. I have medical proof of it all. It was from a rare disease in Thailand called leptosoriasis. About 1 on 100,000 get this bug each year but most people have no issue. About 10 percent get deadly results and if it goes deadly, most don’t survive. That’s a 1 in a million chance of getting this deadly bug.
I walked out 6 days later with no symptoms or even a trace that I had been sick. All doctors and specialists had given me up for dead but I spoke healing out loud and called healing in for hours and days as loud as I could. They thought I was just crazy and dying in terrible pain.
Following this, a totally blind woman in Vietnam was healed as well as a totally deaf man in Thailand. A woman who could not move half her body was healed. Now we have 5 churches since just January in Thailand in a village, sub district and district with not a single church. The only churches in that entire district are the five that we planted. As I prayed for individuals an entire floor at a Vietnam hospital was healed of kidney failure. Miracles that no one would ever believe, but it can all be backed up. An entire family of seven was going to take poison and commit suicide together, kids and all. We showed up two days before. I shared Jesus. Prayed for her. She was healed. She received Jesus after He appeared to her that night. Now there have been over 40 confirmed miracles.
Before I almost died, I saw some healing but not anything dramatic. Never a blind eye. Never a deaf ear. Nothing like this. But after this experience, miracles and signs have been nonstop. It's changing a region, a totally unreached area. God is good!!!

What precipitated the increase in miracles?
I asked Chris “So when you ask the Lord what caused the increase in your healing ministry, what do you receive as an answer?”
Chris’ answer - I did ask that to the Lord and got an immediate answer. Before I tell you what the Lord told me, let me tell you the setting so His answer makes more sense.
When I was in the hospital, I was packed in ice. My oxygen level was 70 and they were about to intubate me. When the doctor said to me, "I'm sorry but we can't save you. It’s too late. Your kidney is totally in failure and your liver too. Even if we started dialysis now, by the time we out the port in and all of that, you will be dead. Your liver is gone. You are totally in sepsis and we can’t save you." Then he said, "I’m sorry. Can we call someone?" I wrote a number as best I could. He walked out of the room after patting my belly and saying, "I’m sorry, son."
The feeling of being completely lost to this world. My wife isn't there. My daughter isn't there. I’m on the other side of the world from the rest of my family. My wife and daughter were in school. I began to cry. For a moment I felt hopeless and I knew I had but moments before they sedate me and then I pass away during sedation. I asked them NOT to do that. He said "If your oxygen level drops to 69 percent we have to." They stopped working on me. The machine showed 70 percent oxygen. I spoke to the machine in the name of Jesus and commanded my oxygen not to drop lower. It went up to 72 and then back to 71 and then 70.
I then spoke to the machine again and to my lungs and commanded it to come back up. I was on the big oxygen mask but not intubated yet. It kept doing this. Boldness arose and I began shouting at my whole body to live. I quoted every verse on life and healing that I could with the breath I had until the machine went up to 78 percent and I passed out.
I spoke healing over my dead kidney for 3 days and suddenly in the third day it jumped up to 86 percent function. On the 4th day my liver had 14000 poisons in them. It’s supposed to be like 18. It started dropping on day 4 to 10,000 poisons, then to 5,000, then to 18.
My body released the protein enzyme twice that of a large heart attack but the echo showed no damage. My body showed stroke one day one but then there were no signs of a stroke. Oxygen normal. And the most peculiar thing: I had broken my ankle playing basketball 6 days before. Was supposed to stay in the cast for 6 weeks. When they were going to release me from the hospital, they said let’s see how the bone is doing. They took x-rays. To their utter shock, my ankle was healed. No broken bone. So it had taken a mere 12 days to heal. I wasn’t even speaking to my ankle. I was just commanding each organ to be healed and that I would live and not die. But all that healing power and life that came in and mended my broken ankle. Man, crazy isn't it???

God’s Answer
When I asked the Lord why did the miracles manifest at an extreme rate in my ministry after the illness and not before, the Lord told me it was about my level of compassion.
He said to me "that the feeling of hopelessness, and lostness and impending doom and certain death that you felt is what many who are sick feel. Even those who are not sick unto death but they have blindness or something that affects their life forever and it won't change. They are feeling impending doom and never-ending sorrow. You had not felt it before. You thought you knew compassion before, but you did not. "
After that experience, every time I saw a person on a death bed or any sick person, I can physically feel their pain, because I can still feel my pain when I was sick unto death. I can feel that sense of no hope in my belly. When I encounter someone like that, I teach them on divine healing. The simple principles of sozo and what Jesus did to remove our sicknesses and carry our pain at the cross. Then I begin to pray. I pray for them like it’s me trying to get off the sick bed again. I feel their pain. It's real compassion. I only thought I had compassion before, but before this I had never had a situation where I would die and nothing could save me except Jesus and His word. Now that I know how dreadful that feels, I spring into action getting the person to stand up and believe God actively and not to give up.
The answer is compassion. I immediately have it for every sick person. I never felt that before in that way. I cared but didn’t have Jesus’ compassion. I have it now!!! I would say over 90 percent are being healed that I pray for here. It’s His grace. I continue to ponder the wonder of God’s miracle-working power.
"There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace ... The zeal of the LORD of hosts will accomplish this!" (Isaiah 9:7)
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