Author: Mike Bastien
Dreams are a wonderful way God counsels us (Psalm 16:7). Below is one of Mike Bastien's dreams which he received as he worked through the course Hearing God Through Your Dreams.
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The dream
I got hired with a bunch of others (by a boss that I formerly had and was fired from) and quickly got promoted to a managerial position. (I believe it was maintenance). I was invited to a special function/banquet in which I attended and ate very well and met some people. I eventually returned to my work, which I enjoyed. I was asked by someone to go eat and I said I already did. But then I had a change of mind and returned to eat some more. I saw an entire family that I met earlier the first time I was in the banquet, and said out loud and jokingly to them “Hey, they shouldn’t be here”. At that, we all laughed.
I do remember feeling honored to be there and being promoted, but felt somewhat out of place or insecure in my new position.
- Question: In the dream, what was I doing? This is the key ACTION.
I got hired and then promoted. Then invited to eat. And then eat more.
- Question: In the dream, how was I feeling? This is the key EMOTION.
Feeling honored and nervous or insecure. Which emotion do I choose?
God's interpretation of this dream as Mike journals
Lord, how do the dream’s main action and emotions match up with my waking life? In what area of my life am I experiencing a similar action or feeling?
“They shouldn’t be here.” This is a reflection how you are feeling about promotion and enjoying the abundance of what I have in My kingdom. I do not see from your limited vantage point and from your eyes. I see far greater and am not focused and bogged down by your past, even if it was yesterday. You were asked to go back and you refused because you already ate. But I prompted and will continue prompting you to go back for more.
Disregard and put aside any feeling of inadequacy, insecurity and fear and enjoy the bountiful supply that I have spread out for you. Your partaking of My kingdom is NEVER based on your goodness, on how well you towed the line, it is always and only based on the finished work that I have accomplished for you. If you live in the realm of do’s and don’ts, you will miss out and forfeit all that I have for you.
Live in Me. Live in the reality of what I have done and do not get trapped in living anywhere else. I am not condoning sin; I am repeatedly reinforcing the truth and reality that you are Mine and I am yours and all that I have is yours. Live in and out of Me and the rest will take care of itself in due time. Abide in Me and let My words abide in you and you SHALL bear much fruit.
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