Author: Charla Virkler
My daughter-in-law, Charla, has put together the information below. Her three children - my grandchildren Jasmine, Rebekah & Hudson - are in these musical presentations, so obviously I am very proud of their accomplishments! Now let's hear from Charla...
It's so exciting to see the creative projects people are making that are bringing excellence while worshiping the Lord.
Something that's come out recently is a kids' worship album by Jeduthun Kids: "More of You Jesus." It was created by a couple who spent years in a worship band, and are now parents and have made a worship album specifically for children. They went all out, enlisting the services of an experienced music producer and recording in a top of the line studio to ensure excellence in every aspect. Instead of singing adult music, this music was created for kids to understand (and memorize Bible verses), all while singing music that parents enjoy having around!
You can listen to the album on Spotify, and you can purchase it for families with children from several sources listed here including iTunes. And you can subscribe to their YouTube channel,where you can see the videos for each song as they are released!
Here are the first two music videos, with easy-to-learn dances and motions intended to be used for children's church:
Watch For the Sake of Your Nameon YouTube
Watch It's All About Loveon YouTube
Why not share this awesome resource with your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, your children’s pastor, or any other families you know today?
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