Author: Stephanie Wylkynsone
Lord, what do you want to speak to me concerning law and grace?
“I have many things I want to teach you Stephanie. Things about relationship and my law. I created law to protect relationship, not relationship to protect law. Law is secondary, relationship is primary. I created humans for relationship, relationship with each other and relationship with me. My heart longs for relationship. The heart of the Father is for relationship. That is where the essence and beauty of life flow from. I long to have a relationship with you, with my people. I long to walk with you and talk with you throughout the day. I long to be at your side and help you through the challenges you face. I don’t expect you to do life on your own and figure it out. Life was meant to be lived out of a relationship with me.
You are connected to the vine. You are in a relationship with all believers whether you realize it or not. You are all part of my family. When one hurts, the other feels it. When one prays, the other feels it. You are able to pray for a believer you never met because you are connected to the vine. You send messages to each other through the vine. You lift each other up through the vine, the heavenly connection of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit shows you how to pray for each other. Together you are very strong, apart you are weak. Lift up your brothers and sisters in Christ. In doing so, you are strengthening yourself by strengthening the whole body you are connected to.
Look at the moon and the stars. They give you warmth and light. So is my Spirit, it gives you warmth and light. Look at the water and the sand. They reflect my beauty. Everything was made for you to enjoy. For us to enjoy. Walk with me awhile. Sometimes I just like to be with you. We don’t have to talk. You can feel my love and peace. You can see the heavens declare my goodness. I love you Stephanie. I love all of my creation. My main purpose is to bring us together as a family.”
Lord, you seem to have a lot on your mind.
“I do, I have my people on my mind. I have the lost on my mind. How I long to bring my family together. This life is just an inkling of what I have for my family. I don’t want any to be lost. Let’s work together so we can bring as many into our family as possible. Let’s look forward to eternity together. I love you and I am pleased you are here with me. You are all important to me. I take time to be with each one of you. I have an assignment for each of you, but our love relationship comes first. I don’t ask you to do anything apart from my love and my relationship with you. Relationship is primary. Establish relationship first. Then the law can follow, only to strengthen relationship. Come, let’s go enjoy this day!”
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