Author: Patricia King
A prophetic word through Patricia King, June 9, 2018
The Harvest Season Has Begun
God is granting a powerful and massive harvest of souls along with effective, supernatural, discipleship and mentoring of new believers.This ingathering has already begun as many nations, churches, and individuals are already reaping massive harvests. The intensity of the ingathering will escalate over the next two years. When Jesus speaks of the ingathering of souls into His Kingdom, He speaks of both nets and sickles. It is time to get your nets and sickles ready. The time to reap is now!
Many times we are looking to years down the road for a great ingathering of souls to be reaped, but the Lord is saying put down the nets now – put your sickle in now! It is not for the future it is for today!
Luke 5:4 NASB Jesus says: “…Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch."
John 4:35 NKJV: "Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!
A wine skin is a structure or container that holds fresh wine. There is nothing wrong with an old wine skin or old wine (old wine has been rid of the impurities) but an old wine skin will burst if new wine is put into it. Jesus taught in Mark 2:22 NASB: No one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost and the skins as well; but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins."
There will be many “new wine skins” the Lord will offer His church in this hour. Through every means we will win some! Our minds need to be open to every new way God introduces. One model will not be the only way to bring in the great ingathering of souls, it will take all Spirit-inspired wine skins.
It is important to keep your heart open to new ways the Lord will use to build His church and to bring souls into His kingdom.
Get Your Inter-Net ready.
One of the great tools and containers God will use in evangelism and discipleship will be a powerful “net” for a powerful “catch: the inter-net and especially social medial. A new wineskin is being built to platform Cyber-evangelism and discipleship.
In 2017, the Lord revealed prophetic insights through the following verses in the Book of Revelation regarding the great ingathering of souls.
Revelation 14:6
"And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, having an eternal Gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people…”
The word "angel" used in verse 6 is "aggelos" (Greek), meaning "a messenger from God; one who is sent." It is not the same word that is used to refer to an angel as a spirit. The word “midheaven” means a realm between earth and God’s heaven – it could be the cyber realm where the internet is hosted. God is going to use His messengers (His people) through the avenue of the internet) to preach the eternal Gospel to all who live in the earth, to every nation, tribe, tongue and people.
Never before has the average believer had access to proclaim the gospel to the entire world but today through the cyber realm (mid-heaven) we can share the eternal word to every nation, tribe, tongue and people. In John’s day he would not have known about the internet yet, but he did see that the gospel was being preached to the entire earth from the mid-heaven.
Angels are not commissioned to preach the gospel – believers are. Applying prophetic interpretation to this verse, it could indicate that in the end days the gospel will be preached through believers (God’s messengers) from the cyber-heaven.
Revelation 14:14 – The “Cloud”
"...Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and sitting on the cloud was one like a Son of Man, having a golden crown on His head and a sharp sickle in His hand.
Today, most people know what the “cloud” is in reference to the internet. It is a place in “mid-heaven” where communication is stored and distributed. John would not have known that in his day but he refers to a cloud that Jesus is sitting on. He describes Jesus with a golden crown on His head and a sharp sickle in His hand.
The golden crown
In Matthew 28:18-20 NASB Jesus declares His authority in both the heavenly and earthly dimensions and instructs believers to partner with Him to reach, win, and disciple nations:
18 …All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Many complain today about the internet with the way the enemy is using it to communicate falsehoods, evil morals, and corruption but in Revelation 14:14, we see Jesus is sitting on the cloud in full authority. God wants His people to claim the “cloud” for Him and use it to bring in the great ingathering of souls!
Gold – Glory and Provision
The crown in Revelation 14:14 is gold speaking of both glory and provision. The glory of extraordinary miracles, signs, wonders and displays of power will be released in great measure to bring in this massive harvest. This harvest and discipleship season will be marked by miracles and many will receive miracles of healing, resurrection, deliverance, and provision through the screens of their computers or other devices connected to the cyber-realm.
This harvest will be provided for with blessing from God's glory realm. Many believers will arise to give generously for the harvest of souls. Those who give in this season will be blessed with the harvest as well as great returns financially on their gifts. With this move will come God-granted prosperity to those whose lives are committed to seeing His dream fulfilled.
The Sickle – a harvesting instrument
John also saw Jesus sitting on the cloud with a sharp sickle in His hand. In John’s day, the sickle was the harvesting instrument used to bring in the wheat and other crops. Before the farmer would wield the sickle he would sharpen it. It is time to sharpen our sickle and get ready to bring in the harvest that is ripe. The coming harvesting of souls will involve the inter-net.
Revelation 14:15 – The Time is Now!
And another angel came out of the temple, crying out with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, 'Put in your sickle and reap, for the hour to reap has come, because the harvest of the earth is ripe.
This scripture reveals another messenger coming out of the temple. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit when Christ lives within us. The messenger spoken of here, could be seen as the messenger of deep intercession and decrees that are brought with fervency before the Lord from His people. The Lord is waiting for His church to arise with groaning and travailing intercession for souls.
A new wave of intercession for the harvest is being released.
Grace is being released by the Spirit of God to motivate and empower believers to intercede for the birthing of souls. Intercessors will cry out day and night for souls. Many churches will call for seasons of focused prayer. Prayer convocations will be hosted for the purpose of crying out for souls and releasing “the sickle.” The church will decree prophetically that this is the hour to put in the sickle because the harvest of the earth is ripe.
The Lord who hears the cries of intercession and the prophetic decrees of His people will respond. The HOUR HAS COME TO REAP. It is important to discern the times so that we can move forward in the rhythm of God. We are in a kairos season (God appointed time) for cyber-harvesting.
Revelation 14:15 NASB – Jesus releases His sickle from the cloud
Then He who sat on the cloud swung His sickle over the earth, and the earth was reaped.
We see Jesus in this verse, laying His sickle into the earth and reaping the harvest. We as His people are "in Him.” Jesus said, "...as the Father has sent Me so also I send you." (John 20:21). He will use us as we are in Him to bring in the harvest of the earth. We are His hands and His feet—we are His Body. We have His sickle in our hands. Jesus put in the sickle FROM the mid-heaven. The prophetic application I am using, indicates that Christ's Body (His Church) is going to move into massive cyber-harvesting in this season and will reap the nations from the "mid-heaven" (internet).
Discipled from the Cloud?
A question to ponder: If 500 or maybe 1000 new Believers were to come to the Lord in your church or area overnight, how would they be discipled? Your church might not be able to facilitate this yet. In the coming harvest it is probable that hundreds of thousands and even millions will come to the Lord in one sweep of the sickle.
Through the internet we can be assured that they can have access to all they need for foundational teaching, and through social media we can reach them relationally with pastoral mentoring and input. This does not diminish the need for onsite local churches engaged in evangelism and discipleship, but the tool of the internet will help the process.
There are many ministries who have been forerunning this and are currently mentoring online with discipleship teachings for new Believers but God wants "all hands on deck". The harvest will be too great for only a few ministries to be engaged.
Every individual can reach out through the cyber advantages we have today with social media. It is easy to share testimonies and invitations to come to Christ. Entire church congregations can get involved. I feel the Spirit of God inviting every believer and ministry who has access to the internet to use this soul-winning tool with intentionality. Every effort small or large can make impact!
God's Tech Team
I saw a number of individuals who are currently technically groomed, being anointed by God in this season. New ideas and technical possibilities for harvesting will come forth. I also saw social media marketers being anointed and called into the harvest fields of cyber-evangelism and discipleship for such a time as this.
Where do we go from here? 2020 is the target year!
The Lord revealed that the harvest is NOW and we are not to delay in laying the sickle into the fields but 2020 will be the significant year for the greatest harvest of souls that has ever been reaped. It is time to receive your strategy from the Lord and act on it. You can use the internet to share your testimony, preach the LOVE GOSPEL, and offer opportunity for the lost to come to Christ. Put in your sickle now!
Patricia King
Founder Patricia King Ministries
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