Author: Joyce Coates
Journaling from Joyce Coates: Dear Lord, I want to hear what you have to say about accusations in my life.
Accusations are tossed out as if feed to chickens in the barnyard who rush to pick it up, swallow it and go for more. This is not my work or my desire. It is difficult to resist returning accusations, but each knows in his heart how prone he is to sin and how easy it is to see a flaw in another. Resist; and turn over to God and the Holy Spirit the working out of these things, praying and believing that what seems impossible to men is within the power of God to accomplish in His time and ways.
Neither accuse yourself nor accept accusations but give help and hope and encouragement even to the unlovely. I want you healthy, wise and prepared for the good things to come, to partake in the joy of the Lord that comes through souls saved, kindnesses extended, redemption offered and received. Follow your heart’s inclinations when guiding you to be kind and encouraging. These things work wonders beneath the surface and bring peaceful thoughts to the troubled. Keep seeking, keep asking in these days of studying and mentoring because there is great reward and satisfaction of heart’s desires. I am with you, to comfort, guide and lift you up to the heavenly places of the heart and mind, the kingdom of God within and forever taking more territory, until the reconciliation of all things! Give God glory and praise for He is worthy.
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