Author: Andrea Aasen
In 2018, the army of the Lord will be revived to run again with both speed and endurance. The Angel of Restoration is sweeping through with vengeance to take back what the enemy has stolen. Get ready for a year of restoration within dreams, families, marriages, vision, and passion – in all areas of your life and in every mountain of influence.
I have received a number of visitations and encounters marking 2018 as a year of full-circle restoration!
About six years ago, I had a visitation from an angel of restoration. He came at a time when I and our ministry were going through several challenges, but with his arrival and commissioning came full-circle restoration in a number of situations and relationships. His visitation also marked a time within the Body, where many within friend and ministry circles shared that they too were encountering incredible circumstances of restoration.
This year, I was visited once again by the same angel, who said he was coming with swiftness to bring another cycle of great restoration. He indicated that he was “marking” 2018 as a year of rebirth and restoration.
With this angel’s visitation came a series of spiritual encounters and prophetic keys, where the Spirit of the Lord took me to see the schemes of the enemy and God’s plan for victory.
I first saw the enemy shooting into the Body of Christ as if we were an open target. I saw many crying out to God in the last season, feeling as if they were being hunted and pillaged. They felt as if nothing they did would prosper, and they were taking direct hits from the enemy. While the Lord was in the midst of the gunfire, preparing and refining our hearts and working all things for good, I saw a dragon occupying their mountain of prosperity. The dragon was attempting to rule in our places, but suddenly, the Lord’s voice thundered (Psalm 29). In the thunder came the sons of God arising, and I saw the head of the dragon cut off and under His sword. I saw them taking back this mountain with great authority and truth. It was the rebirth of a new season, where the sons were once again able to rule in their God-given authority to prosper. They became like a city on that mountain, shining brightly and not able to be hidden (Matthew 5:14).
I heard the Lord shouting His promise in Deuteronomy 30:9, “Then the LORD your God will prosper you abundantly in all the work of your hand, in the offspring of your body and in the offspring of your cattle and in the produce of your ground, for the LORD will again rejoice over you for good, just as He rejoiced over your fathers.”
As I began to take back the mountain for myself and my house, I felt an invitation for the Body to also take back this mountain of inheritance and blessing. There are a time and season of restoration coming, unlike anything we have ever seen before. With great grace, it will be an Ephesians 3:20 season. A sudden wind will blow so that chaos and confusion can be swept away, and order will be brought back into the House of the Lord. I believe the Lord is showing us a prophetic timeline, just as He did with our forefathers, that as we rebuild the temple according to His instructions He will with sovereignty seal up the old and open doors for the new to flood in and occupy this realm of prosperity.
Deuteronomy 30:10 adds to the promise of prosperity (verse 9, above) this instruction, “if you obey the LORD your God to keep His commandments and His statutes which are written in this book of the law if you turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and soul.”
There is an invitation this year to live in the Deuteronomy 30:9 promise of prosperity, which will happen when we turn our hearts back to Him in obedience and love (2 Chronicles 7:14).
The Lord gave me 5 keys to help us take back The Mountain of Prosperity and step into the fullness of His plans of restoration in the coming year.
1.) Revisit Your Passion – Turning back to God with all our heart and soul involves returning to our first love. Many have grown tired and weary, because they have lost sight of vision, even feeling as if they are perishing in areas of their life where things seem routine and mundane (Proverbs 29:18).
As we seek to revive passion, there will be a restoration of dreams, desire, and destiny. This can and should be done for each individual assignment we feel we have grown cold in or lost the will to complete, but in a more general sense can be revived as we revisit the gate of our first love. Going back to where it all started, we love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). Let us be wooed back into intimacy with our first love, where everything else will be restored, as we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.
2.) Tend Your heart – During one of my encounters, the Lord took me into a large gathering. I saw a big celebration about to take place, but the party could not begin until the room was made ready. However, the room was not yet ready, because hearts were not fully prepared.
In both the natural and spiritual sense, the Lord is calling us to bring order to our hearts. How do we ascend into any mountain? It is with clean hands and a pure heart (Psalm 24:4). As I’ve been praying into 2018, I am continually brought back to a place of crying out for a clean heart and steadfast spirit (Psalm 51:10). The Lord desires the meditations of our heart to be fixed on Him, and in that posture, He brings order and alignment to our emotions, memories, and thinking, so that our soul can truly prosper (3 John 1:2). With this re-posture, there will be unfathomable restoration brought into specific areas of relationship and interpersonal communication. Prodigal sons will return and whole households will be saved, as a new door is opened in the Courts of Heaven for the hand of God to move radically to bring restoration
In tending to our natural hearts, I saw the Lord handing out assignments. Many had been given invitations but were unable to answer the call, because their physical bodies were not in adequate condition. There were some that were called to do great exploits, but because they had neglected their bodies and had not looked after their “temple” they were not physically able to endure. Their life ended abruptly, or they did not have the stamina or strength necessary to fulfill their mission.
The Lord is asking us to clean our temples (bodies). Just as we tend our heart in the spiritual sense, He is asking us to put great attention towards tending our physical hearts, as well. In this next year, it is of utmost importance to look after our hearts with all diligence (Proverbs 4:23). There will be great grace to eat well and exercise so that we can have strong and healthy bodies and hearts. In the same sense, a great measure of grace will be given to look internally and seek the Lord for healing and purification of our spiritual hearts. When we do, restoration will come to our bodies and souls, bringing healing and prosperity.
3.) Revive Awe and Wonder – This year the Lord is bringing us back into a place of encountering Him with awe and wonder. Just as a young child looks at their daddy with amazement at who he is and what he does, God is bringing us back to a place where we can see Him as Father, in awe and wonder.
There is a fresh spirit of Elijah resting on the Body this year that will birth a new cycle to turn the hearts of the fathers to back to the children and the children back to the fathers (Malachi 4:6). This will bring about a deepening of desire for intimacy in relationship with our Heavenly Father, which will cultivate a new Father Movement. Families will be restored, children and fathers aligned in their rightful position, righteousness will be brought back to relationships, and a new generation will step into their position to mentor and be mentored.
As this happens, honor will be restored for those who have gone before us, and a great sense of joy in enduring will be renewed, as we re-fix our gaze in awe and wonder on the One who has already completed the work (Hebrews 12:2). Within this restoration of honor will come restoration in relationships, both in the natural and with our Heavenly Father. We will once again believe in the power of love to overcome any obstacle and in the wonder of our Father to give us all things and to do the impossible in any situation. Our childlike hearts will once again beat with His and compel us to be about our Daddy’s business. We will be restored to our destinies when we begin to prosper in our true identities.
4.) Answer the Call – Many are being called this year to accomplish what seems like a “mission impossible.” God is asking His chosen ones to put their hands to what the world would view as an impossible feat.
In one of my visitations, I saw the Spirit of the Lord calling a specific few. These few were a hand-selected company of Davids (Matthew 22:14). They were not ones that looked the part or were the most experienced; many were far younger than what would be expected, but they were chosen and anointed because of their hearts.
In my encounter, as Holy Spirit called, those that answered were not sure the call was for them. Though the communication was clear, they were confused by the mandate, because they did not see themselves the way God saw them. They were trapped by fear, intimidation, and false identity and had in turn been deceived into believing that “the call” was not for them. They thought someone else could do it better and answered in confusion.
This year, I see a fresh courage coming to the Body to answer His call in confidence. The Lord says there will be a restoration of calling and purpose this year, as we revisit our ‘yes’ to Him. Counting the cost, this great company will say, “Be it done unto me, Lord.” They are a purified company that will revive destiny and promise in the earth through extreme acts of faith and love. They will respond to the call to do these “missions impossible,” as they stay in simple obedience, which will change the course of history.
5.) Don’t Look Back – When God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah Lot’s wife became a pillar of salt because she looked back. I believe just as He did in days of old, the Lord is cleaning house once again. As He sweeps through this year and shuts the door on unrighteous acts within our lineage, it is imperative we do not look back.
The enemy often attempts to divert our gaze by reminding us of past failures and disappointments. However, as we, like Lot, leave the corruption and perversion in the past, it is important that we don’t look back. The compassion of the Lord is upon us to leave these places of unrighteousness, those areas within our own lives and the lives of the generations before us, to escape to the mountains. As He calls us higher and back to our mountain of prosperity, let us remember to not to look back in fear, shame, or curiosity, but to instead, look forward to beholding His promises and everlasting way.
2018 will be a year to remember, with a large number of assignments coming full-circle. In many situations, you will find yourself back where you started, but this time it will be bigger and better . . . and fully restored! As climbing a spiral staircase, this season you will be one level higher and look with a new and fresh perspective, from above.
Get ready for great restoration and new levels of grace and favor, as you step into blessing and provision and reclaim your mountain of prosperity. Breakthrough is coming in every area of your life. Go, and take back your mountain!
Andrea Aasen is the Director and CEO of Everlasting Love Ministries (formerly XP Missions). Andrea lives in Cambodia where she works with children at risk and on the forefront of anti-trafficking. She also ministers in Vietnam and Iraq. Andrea was mentored into and established in her apostolic office by Patricia King. She is part of WIMN (Women in Ministry Network)
To connect with Andrea Aasen’s ministry visit her at www.XPmissions.com
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