Author: Mark Virkler
I met Charles Cooper at a weekend seminar on hearing God’s voice a couple of months ago at Calvary Assembly. Charles is an anointed leader, who is just beginning two-way journaling. Charles teaches the Berean School of the Bible courses from Global University in Springfield, Mo. available through the Assemblies of God. Charles is on Calvary Assembly’s Mission Board. For 11 years Charles has also been on the Mission Board of Colombia Childcare International, Inc., with the missionary, David Taylor. He does the administrative work for getting sponsorships for the children (almost 2,000 at present) in Santa Marta, Colombia. Charles has a heart passion to experience all God has for him!
O LORD, Holy is Your name! You said, “Be ye holy, for I am holy.” LORD, that is one high standard! I am embodied in a tower of flesh that knows nothing but sin! It wages war against my spirit. My spirit adores you, LORD, but my flesh is weak! Teach me your way of over- coming. Help me to be victorious in this battle. I want to do your will every day. Help me to walk by faith in this life that I will glorify my Savior among
all people! May I live in such a way people will see Christ reflected in me!
Charles, forget the past. It is covered with my blood! My Father sees
you through me! I vouch for you because I have redeemed you! I have paid the full price forever! You belong to me now! You have connected with me; you now serve me; you are now growing in me! Therefore, Go in my name! You are my ambassador in this world. My Spirit is in you to accomplish my purpose. Let your light shine where I have placed you! You will reflect me wherever you Go! Shine on, My son!
For further Scriptural meditation
“For by one offering [sacrifice] He [Jesus] has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.” (Hebrews 10:14 NKJV)
According to the above verse, the perfection is already completed in the spirit world. It endures, even while we are in the process of working out our salvation (Phil. 2:12,13). Explore more here.
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