Spiritual Authority and Prayer part2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues to explore our spiritual authority and how...
The God of Your Heart's Desire
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains that God cares about you, your dreams,...
Building a House of Devotion
A special Message Given in Cape Town, South Africa at a Conference
The Lord is My Shepherd
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on Psalm 23 and using Jesus, the door to go...
The Reason for Relationships
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding discusses how God created us to be in relationships...
'The Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ' by Pastor Missy Beik
The way of God in the Old Testament was to require the blood of animals to cover sin. We see...
Position Yourself
Joan Hunter shares how important it is to not only believe for what God has for you, but to also...
The Mystery part 5
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on "The Mystery". He teaches that...
The Cost of Discipleship
Pastor Missy teaches us through different examples from the Word of God, the cost of being a...
You can reach the lost!
Monthly XPerience Night - Evangelist Todd White shares his testimony and his heart for reaching...
Equipping the Saints-The Tabernacle as a Model for Prayer
Pastor Mike Harding teaches on The tabernacle of Moses as a prayer model. He shares on the...
Praying for Daily Bread
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on Jesus and the presence of God being the...
Tent Revivals In America
Julie Meyer prophecies a great tent revival coming to America.
Eyes that Burn Like Fire
Steve Porter teaches us The eyes of the Lord are like blazing fire that heals our wounds and...