By Reeni Mederos
"Activate" to Overthrow the Enemy of Procrastination from Your Destiny
God is saying for the year 2011, "Bring all your gifts, callings and talents to My feet and everything that has held you back from the rivers of My fresh prophetic fire you have so desired and longed for. I have not forgotten your sacrifice and your pain and the fiery trials that seem to consume. I am your Consuming Fire! Now is the time to say, 'Good-bye,' to stagnant procrastination and say, 'Hello,' to a new atomic activation! Watch and see how I will consume the dross, how I will give you favor and how I will supernaturally bring you into your God-given joy! This is My gift and My promise to you," says the Lord, "Because I love you!"
The Days of Wasting Away Are Over!
Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." The word vision in the Hebrew text means ecstatic state and divine communication; to see and perceive with the intelligence and by experience; to behold. The word perish means to let go, neglect, to cause to refrain and be uncovered. This Scripture is saying, "Where there is no vision (ecstatic state of divine communication to see and perceive God with the intelligence and by experience, to behold Him), the people perish" (let go of Him, neglect Him, refrain from Him and are not covered by Him). This lack of vision carries with it a gnawing in the pit of your stomach that causes you to give up, feeling like you are wasting away into nothingness.
This is what God does not want to happen to you. He is saying, "The days of wasting away are over! I am imparting into you a new hope that will not fade away, a new joy that will activate you and propel you into the very things you have longed for but have not yet seen. Believe My words," says the Lord. "Don't listen to the voice of distraction. If you will believe in your heart and perceive with your mind that My plans are yes and amen for your life, you will begin to soar in the power of My love and I will move on your behalf this very day!"
God has called His people to be a people of vision, power, might and love, taking on challenges as training ground for the next level. God is answering your prayer and is saying, "Don't be afraid of the loss of vision or the waking hours in the night. I am birthing, birthing, birthing a spirit of power and of might. I have not left you alone. It is by My Spirit that I will deliver you into your rightful place."
There has been a lingering pain of no hope and no future, and God is about to change the winds of the Spirit in a new direction. God is saying, "Run into the wind, run into the wind. Spread your wings and fly into the wind. The current of My Spirit will catch you and you will soar with the wind. With might and with power you will soar, you will soar with the wind. Never again will you waste away. I tell you, you will soar with the wind."
A New Light of Activating Power
God is bringing new light of life into our midst. It is the light of His fire in a brand new way, a light that He is about to ignite. It is one that has always been present but not always active. Now is the time to activate that light. However, many have given into the subtle effects of procrastination, causing the embers of their inner holy flame to wither and die in quiet despair. Like a pervasive "holding back" in the inner man, it must now undergo a violent assault of divine determination of God's people from deep within each heart to blow up and annihilate its deadly grip of stagnation.
The Lord says, "The enemy of procrastination has come as an attempt to bring a slow death to your destiny, but I am overthrowing this scheme of the unseen world on your behalf, as I am shining a new light of the activating power of My love within your heart to reignite the plans and purposes I have already set in place for you in the heavenly realms."
Procrastination means to defer action; delay; to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost. It is a passive-aggressive assault of the enemy to manipulate and to cause to "defer" or "put off" God's destiny for one's life. It is a plot to kill, steal and destroy in any way that it can, leaving a person feeling empty and unfulfilled. Many times procrastination can go unrecognized until the light of God's divine intervention shines brightly on its shadows, causing the clouds of despair to disappear with every ray of sunshine from His heart. It is at this place that new life will begin from deep within, as our heart is continually nurtured and stimulated with the fire of God's love.
Activation is the Very Opposite Effect of Procrastination
On the other hand, activation is the very opposite effect of procrastination. It is the antidote to lack of vision, fear, hopelessness and that pervasive feeling of never attaining God's perfect will in your life. In 2 Timothy 1:6, the Scripture reminds us through Paul's admonishment to young Timothy to, "...stir up the gift of God which is in you." The words "stir up" in the Greek text mean to kindle up and inflame one's mind, strength and zeal as it pertains to the gift of God that is inside each and every person, which is the supernatural element of divine activation.
The word "activate" is mentioned in the Amplified Bible in Galatians 5:6 and says, "For [if we are] in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith activated and energized and expressed and working through love." Anything that requires faith is only activated through the power of God's love in, to and through us. It is the motivating factor behind any genuine act of faith.
The same word in the King James Version translated "worketh" from the Greek word "energeo," means effectual, powerful, activity, operative and effective. This is the same prophetic energy and power of the Holy Spirit displayed in the resurrection of Christ, in the mighty rushing wind of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, in the living and active Word of God and in many other forms and types of divine inspiration we see throughout the Bible that propels extraordinary faith.
"Activate" in Webster's Dictionary means to make active; cause to function or act; to render more reactive; excite; to activate a molecule and to induce radioactivity. In the law of physics, it means to raise (an atom, molecule, etc) to an excited state. "Excite" means to arouse or stir up, to cause to awaken, to stimulate, to excite a nerve. Concerning radioactivity, Webster's Dictionary says it is "the phenomenon, exhibited by and being a property of certain elements, of spontaneously emitting radiation resulting from changes in the nuclei of atoms of the element."
The Atomic Power of Being Activated into the Gift of God
In spiritual terms, there is a supernatural phenomenon of spontaneous combustion within the heart of a Believer when they are activated into the gift of God that is within them. Procrastination is the enemy of activation, and will cause that gift to lie dormant, causing stagnation. Divine activation from the Holy Spirit is the spontaneous stimulation of that gift, causing it to "excite," which propels it to action. This is where miracles are birthed and mighty exploits are performed.
The spirit and power of divine activation is full of God's holy fire which ignites from within the individual and is extremely contagious for the Believer in Christ but extremely deadly for the devil and his kingdom of darkness. This is the atomic power and "energeo" of being activated into the gift of God. Like oily rags that can spontaneously combust, divine activation is at its peak when we are soaked in the oil of the Holy Spirit on a regular basis. This is the reason why many times we experience a spontaneous power surge of the Holy Spirit when the gift of God within us is activated by a prophetic word spoken over a person or released from within through a seasoned prophetic mantle.
It instantly forces you out of the state of dormancy and stagnation and propels you into fresh prophetic fire almost immediately, ready to explode with atomic proportions, especially against the kingdom of darkness. This is the supernatural phenomena of how "the violent take it by force" mentioned in Matthew 11:12. Then God starts to teach you how to direct that surge of power to bring glory to His name with accountability, responsibility and integrity, which will be your anchor to maintain it. This is the one thing that the enemy of your soul, the devil, is most afraid of and does not want you to get a hold of or grasp: the divine revelation of "atomic activation."
"It is through My love that your faith is activated and stimulated, and it is through My love that you will activate your faith to ignite and minister to others. Get ready for the atomic surge of My Spirit that will be spontaneous and full of fresh prophetic fire to propel you into a new burning flame of My Spirit.
"It is time to leave the past behind. It is time to embrace the inheritance I have set aside for you from the foundations of the earth. Receive now a new supernatural impartation of My love and breathe in deeply the fresh wind of My Spirit. It is yours for the asking. It is yours for the taking. Run with the vision," says the Lord. "Run with the vision and never stop running."
Suggested Resource: In The Zone
Reeni Mederos is an anointed and seasoned apostolic prophet with a pioneering tenacity and a fiery prophetic psalmist anointing that releases a passionate love for Christ in her spontaneous worship over cities, regions and nations piercing individual lives as her mission is "dedicated to raising up a new bred of warriors for the new millennium." Founder of Warriors International, Inc., and Warriors International University Online School of Prophets, Reeni has been activating the Body of Christ into God's supernatural anointing for over 20 years with her online schools and on-location activation encounters, helping others to discover and fulfill their God given destiny. With a down to earth prophetic mentoring style that is easily received, Reeni's ability as a prophet to draw out the gifts and callings within a person are done with pinpointed activation strategy and divine wisdom. As she draws out the inner potential of a person's calling and hidden inner treasures with keen prophetic insight into the heart and anointed instruction, many discover the reality of their God given destiny on accelerated levels in a very short period of time, resulting in a life that is transformed and equipped to do mighty exploits in God. Reeni an ordained Prophet through Christian International Apostolic Network and have been ministering full time for over 20 years. Reeni and her husband, Rob Mederos, have been married for 25 years and have 3 children.
Website: www.warriorsinternational.com
Email: [email protected]
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