Author: Steve Porter
“Lord, if there could be a place where you could be who you want to be, and do what you want to do, I am available!” Wade E. Taylor
I posted this quote on my Facebook page not long ago. I had to stop and reflect on this famous quote by a very special man to the body of Christ—Wade Taylor. It began in the fall of 1956, when Wade enrolled as a student at Eastern Bible Institute (EBI) in Green Lane, Pennsylvania where one of his teachers, Walter Beuttler, had a profound influence and made a powerful impartation into his life. Beuttler encouraged his students to cultivate a personal and experiential knowledge of the Lord, not just knowing about Him, but becoming His friends, His resting place.
Two transforming qualities were established in Wade's life:
1. The value of spending quality time ‘waiting on the Lord’.
2. Seeking to cultivate a listening ear in order to better hear
the voice of the Lord, and respond to His presence.
Wade's life was forever altered by these qualities, this later caused him to pray a simple heartfelt prayer, "Lord, if there could be a place where you could be who you want to be, and do what you want to do, I am available!” God honored that prayer and through him birthed the Pinecrest Bible Training Center, where Wade served as president for twenty-nine years.
Wade acquired the Pinecrest property in Salisbury Center and assumed the leadership role, and, along with some followers from Elim Bible Institute, began the process of restoring the property buildings to house a school with a new vision—Pinecrest Bible Training Center. For many years, his motto and watchword was: “Yes, Lord!” as his heart cried out, "WE MUST BUILD GOD A HOUSE OF DEVOTION!"
A clear word from the Lord had him relocate to Washington, DC, in 1998, with an ongoing burden to establish the Kingdom of God, through the Parousia Gatherings, hosted by the Whole Word Fellowship in Oakton, VA. These were special gatherings marked by the profound manifest presence of God. The ‘parousia’ of the Lord speaks of the ‘presencing’ of the Lord, which precedes the Second Coming of Christ. It was Wade's desire to see the Lord glorified and exalted by His people in a deeper way than ever before. The meetings went on for many years and were used to raise up a people, as witnesses ‘of His presence’.
On February 29, 2012 Wade Taylor went on to be with the Lord, but he left us a grand inheritance—that special vision to build God a house of devotion in our hearts, our homes and our nation, creating a place where He is welcome, to be who He wants to be and do what He wants to do. His legacy remains to bless us today through his three children, Nancy, Bill and Joanne, as well as his life-changing books and teaching materials. The Body of Christ at large can access his teachings through his website at www.wadetaylor.org. The three books he published are still available on his publications website at www.wadetaylorpublications.org.
Today the Pasousia Gatherings are still actively welcoming the manifest presence of the Lord, led by Wade’s daughter, Nancy Taylor Warner. I have attended her meetings, and was thrilled to experience the mighty ‘‘presencing’ of the Lord’. The next gathering is February 7, 2015 at Whole Word Fellowship in Oakton, VA. For more details go to wadetaylor.org
I was honored to attend and graduate from Pinecrest Bible Training Center in 1990-1993. During my time there, and over the next 20 years, I was grateful to spend time with Wade in his home and at the Parsousia Gatherings, where it was clearly evident that God had honored his yearning to build a place that welcomed His presence, both at Pinecrest and in Oakton, Virginia.
I vividly remember those times with Brother Taylor as the embers of devotion were fanned into a fire that still burns today in my spirit. I remember as a young man lying on my face for hours in my dorm, basking in the glory of the Lord. I was utterly transformed by the manifest presence of God. As the result of Wade’s prayer, a fire for the deeper things of the Spirit still burns within the hearts of so many of his spiritual children. It brings me to tears every time I think about the difference Wade made in my life over the years I knew him.
It all started when Wade prayed that heartfelt prayer: “Lord, if there could be a place where you could be who you want to be, and do what you want to do, I am available!” God responded to that deep yearning and gave Wade more of His manifest presence that he ever dreamed possible.
What’s my point here? That God is no respecter of persons, so if He could use a mighty but humble man like Wade Taylor to usher in His life-altering presence, He can use you to host that resting place of devotion. In fact, in these last days it’s an absolute necessity that we get about our Father’s business, and become those sold-out ones who simply reflect the glory of God and His miraculous love to a desperate, dying world. Within the church today are those who yearn for a release of the manifest glory of God. They want evidence that it’s real, it’s powerful, and that it works to address the problems around them. They need proof of healings, miracles, signs, wonders and deliverances. They want all that God has to offer today but are unwilling to settle for more hype or cheap imitations to get it.
Now is the time, the hour is late, to prepare for the kingdom age, and we must be ready for deeper dimensions in God. Now is the season. The ‘resting places’ are here for those who seek first His kingdom and lean upon His breast to hear the heartbeat of God as friend.
So let me ask: what do you want most? Do you want nothing more than to be that place of devotion, so He can move and do what He wants on the earth today? God is creating ‘resting places’ of His presence in this last hour. I can hear the cries of an entire generation desperate for what’s real... Will we give it to them? Are we willing to walk humbly and respectfully before our God? Will we pay the price to get there? I pray that we will and that such a move will start with us, because it’s now or never.
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