Author: Scott Loomis
We must go back into the past to be released into the future. Most of you know of or have taught about what is written here. This word will be sent to specific people. Mostly to certain leaders that are divinely positioned as forerunners for this next move of God. I pray that the Lord will put this into the hands of all those that will have understanding.
At this point I would like to honor all of you that have been laying down your lives for the advancement of the Kingdom. I would also like to honor all of the ones that have gone before us that have laid the bloodstained path on which we now travel. I would also like to honor all the intercessors both present and passed. That without you hidden ones spending countless hours on your face crying out to the Lord, none of this would be possible. I salute you all!
This is just an outline of a strategy that, if implemented will be a major part of bringing Healing to the Nations. I have not quoted chapter and verse very much (although I could do so) because those that will be sent this word already have an extensive knowledge of the Bible. In this hour we must have the capability to follow the Master’s voice and bear witness to the Truth in our spirit. We have entered a new dimension of intimacy with the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Although I believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, I will not get into a theological debate about doctrinal belief systems. We simply do not have time for that. Either you receive this word or you do not. That is between you and the Lord.
God created everything and everything is under His divine laws that He put in place since the beginning of creation. We all know the story of the fall of man and of the first murder. When the law was broken in the garden it started an ever increasing multilevel legal right according to divine law for satan to bring mankind under his ruler ship through sin. Able was killed and his blood was the first to cry out for justice and atonement. The increasing shakings in and on the earth are a result of satans legal right to bring death and destruction to the land. All over the earth the enemies killing, stealing and destroying is at an all time high. From the ground beneath to the atmosphere above, the intensity is growing rapidly and it is our responsibility to take authority over it. The problem is that we have not had the full understanding of how we can take dominion and keep it. This word is a culmination of many revelations already given to us and a key that will help unlock the missing pieces we have needed. If the Body of Christ will receive it, we will be catapulted into the place that we all have been waiting for, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
The blood of the Fathers children is the most precious thing in His heart. This blood in the earth is crying out for justice and atonement. These slain that have gone on before us are not dead. The "Cloud of Witnesses" is looking on watching what we are doing. Their D.N.A. voice vibration is physically still here. They cannot be complete without us and we cannot be without them. The callings taken by the enemy before their destinies were fulfilled are waiting for us. Their mantels, their gifts, their anointing are all still here, treasure in the earth that has been waiting for this generation. The literal Blood of Jesus is the only part of Him that stayed here on earth. His Blood as well as theirs is still here. In the Word we read of when a dead man was thrown onto the bones of Elisha and he returned to life. This is just one example of what the Lord is telling us here.
This missing link is crucial in our understanding of how the cloud of witnesses is a manifest part in this end time battle. Somehow, a supernatural quantum connection will take place between them and us. Their blood, their DNA, is still here, we are going to literally become ONE with them. God has left this part of them behind until the first resurrection to be a part of us here. Their blood, our blood and the Blood of Christ will synergize. This is part of the revealing of a mystery that will give us the legal right to take back earth. This is the original assignment given to Adam to subdue the earth. Jesus gave it to the first church to go into the all world, now it's up to us.
Now in these last days the whole earth is crying out for the revealing of the Sons of God, the Bride of Christ. Herein lays the mystery. The bloodshed that has happened on the land affects the land itself. As the Blood of the slain is atoned for, the land will be set free as well. The Word says that the life is in the blood and that the blood has a voice. I do not pretend to know nor have I been given the full understanding of this, just the beginning of a glimpse of what the blood is all about. We know in part and that is why we need each other to bring it to completion. I believe that many others in the Body have more of this revelation. In Gods master plan, he has left a secret weapon to overthrow the powers of darkness. Just as the enemy thought that in killing Jesus he had won the victory, these lives that the enemy thought he has defeated will somehow be in a sense resurrected and empower us, the end time Body of Christ.
In Ezekiel 37 the Lord tells us that breath came into them and they stood up. A great army coming back to life, coming out of the graves. I realize that this is referring to Israel but it is also for us now. We will prophecy to the winds and the life blood in the ground will be released from bondage and in some supernatural way the spirits of the cloud of witnesses will be united again with their D.N.A. here on earth becoming one with us releasing a power that we and all of history have never experienced.
Could this be the first fruits harvest that will release the Glory? As this synergy is released it will cause an upward spiral releasing the angels of righteous judgment that will break the demonic power in the atmosphere dethroning the enemy and creating a portal for the Glory of God to descend on that area. The Kingdom will invade earth and the Glory will transform entire regions of people as it has in the past.
All the miracles, signs and wonders that we have been waiting for will be a natural by-product of the presence of God. We will join together with the cloud of witnesses and the armies of angels to take back the Earth.
Please stay with me here and pray the Lord will open our eyes to what He is saying and what others will be bringing to add to this revelation and strategy.
For decades we have all diligently prayed, interceded, prophesied, decreed, and done prophetic acts and exploits. We have warred and warred to fulfill our call to take authority over the land. There have been true miracles and victories but nothing compared to what the Lord told us will take place.
We have done everything we have known to do but the attacks keep getting worse; we are running out of time. This missing key will help complete the current strategies that already have been set in motion. I realize that many of you that are reading this have already went out commissioned by the Lord doing very similar exploits, we have as well. We were obedient and truly saw miracles but obviously something was missing or the fruit would be evident. If our assignments would have brought the manifest Glory, the earth would be changed. In this endeavor we must take our example from the greats that went before us and have a tenacity to do whatever it takes “UNTIL” we see the breakthrough.
In order to displace the reigning principalities over each specific region the Lord has believers with certain blood lines that will give them legal rights in that area of land. We have to go back to the first shedding of innocent blood on any given area of land and sea. The Lords divine law requires that these matters are taken care of in order. As in any courtroom trial the judge will go back to the beginning or first offence and start from there. There are categories of offences that will have to be addressed separately. The blood of the redeemed (cloud of witnesses), the blood of the innocent and more the Holy Spirit will reveal.
There is more to this but I do not have the understanding yet. There is perfect order in Kingdom law and our enemy is an expert prosecutor. The world has been locked down for thousands of years under demonic rule because we are not doing things in legal order. There are several leaders in the Body with this revelation and are teaching about the court room. As one of them stated “we have been on the battlefield when we should have been in the courtroom". There is a synergy that has been missing and we have been tricked into warring in the wrong arena.
There is a literal courtroom in the Kingdom of Heaven. Joshua the high priest was there (Zechariah : 3), Ezekiel was there (Ezekiel : 1), Job Ch.1, Luke 22:31 and Jesus is there now. There are people in the Body that have been trained how to go into the courtroom (Throne Room) and get the signed and sealed judgments from the Lord. With this legal power we can then go to the battlefield with the victory already done. We must take satan on legally and in order or we will never get the total victory.
The strategy is simple, the people are in place. The right called and anointed people in the right area getting instructions from Holy Spirit specifically for that region. An Apostolic team lead step by step by Holy Spirit will gather an Ecclesia that is chosen by God for this task. There are Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers the Lord has had hidden away that have been trained and prepared that will make up these teams.
There will also be others in the Body called in that will be keys to each location. Many of the ones God will bring into these teams will not be who we would choose in the flesh. Like David's mighty men that gathered with him in the cave and as Paul writes in 1 Cor: 1, “not many wise, not may noble”. Some of these men and women do not fit in today's modern church society. Never the less they have been chosen and called for these assignments and tested in their love for the Father and His people. Only the ones called and anointed for this task can be involved. This is extremely dangerous and can be life threatening if you are not one that the Holy Spirit has trained and appointed. This will be one of the biggest exploits the church has ever engaged.
Every area of land on earth has a prince ruling over it. I do not believe that the levels and ranks of satans ruling system have to be studied, Holy Spirit will reveal this as we need to know. The teams will come together and go through a time of Spirit lead cleansing. In worship they will allow the Holy Spirit to search their innermost being for any remaining sin in their own lives the enemy could have legal right in. If we are not completely prepared for this we will put ourselves our families and the whole team at great risk. The weight of this call is without measure.
The teams I believe will be made up of twelve people handpicked for each area or region. The essential part is in the blood line. There must be ones from the original ancestor bloodlines of the people that were afflicted on that land. They are the ones with the legal right for justice in the court room. Ones from the original ancestor blood line that the enemy used to commit the crime whether it was killing, stealing, or destroying will have the legal right to repent for their forefather’s sin (Matt 23; 30-32). This is the legal right I spoke of earlier.
The Apostles and Profits that are called to do this already have an area that God has put on their heart. When they get there they will begin by entering in to worship. EVERY move, decision and choice must not happen until there is clear and confirmed direction and procedure from the Holy Spirit through intimate worship with The Lord Jesus. HE is the only way, the Commander and Chief, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Every area will be different in the strategies it will take to dethrone these evil powers and only He can show us the way it has to be done, this is the most critical part of the strategy. From this point every step that is made will be directly related to this process. As the team begins to come together it will continue this same step of obedience.
There are layers of atrocities that have been established. This is why we have never been able to completely break the enemy’s stronghold. With this revelation combined with the other revelations that I know have been given to the Body about this, we will take this land once and for all.
This is what will be the protocol when these teams go out on the land. We will bring the repentant legal bloodlines in the spirit into the courtroom of the Kingdom. We will go before the Lord in the presence of the entire courtroom and its witnesses presenting our case. We will petition the court for a righteous judgment pleading the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. We will be granted the decree of atonement. We will bring the signed and sealed court order back to this realm on earth. We will follow the directive of the Holy Spirit on the exact how, when and where we will execute the release of the righteous judgment on the land. We will obey Holy Spirit in any prophetic decrees and acts that need to be performed. At the moment we are instructed to, we will release the atoning Blood of Christ with a shout. Like a quantum A-bomb the demonic cloud of evil covering the region will be blown open and the principality dethroned. This will open up the legal portal and bring the Glory that will change everything.
The sin that gave the legal right for satan to take dominion first, will be what needs to be addressed first. As far as I have been shown the first is justice for the Indian or indigenous people. This has been one of the most important things that I have seen that is holding us back. We keep expecting to see the fulfillment of the prophecies about the great out pouring in our land or any land, but I tell you that the Lord WILL NOT and CANNOT pour out His Glory until this is taken care of.
The first nation people are still under the grip of the enemy. Europeans came here to "save" them when in fact we killed them, stole their land and tried to destroy their culture. There are hundreds of broken covenants made by the U.S.A. to the first nation people. Do you really think that God has forgotten all of this! There has been weak apologies and concessions by the U.S. government that have been nothing but a slap in their face.
Some of the First Nation leaders in the Church have understood this and poured out their lives to see the change. They have done what they knew to do but it has not brought a complete victory. The First Nation people now are in fact the only ones that can save us! If we go to their spiritual leaders we will see that the Lord has already been preparing them and in fact they are already walking in much of what is written here. We must go to them, ask there forgiveness and allow Holy Spirit to lead us through this strategy to free their land.
When true repentance with the legal blood lines takes place the atoning Blood of Christ will cleanse the land. When we see the Indian Nations explode with the power of God, we will know that we have gotten the victory on that level. The next people group t afflicted was the African Americans. The same strategy goes for them as well as the bloodshed of the civil war and on to the aborted murdered unborn, and from there only Holy Spirit can lead.
This is the blueprint, the battle plan. Whether you like it or not this is Gods order, this is the way to the healing of our nation and the nations of the world.
I want to state something here. What has been reveled to me is only a part of the web of atrocities that have been done by satans kingdom. There are others in the Body that have been shown other parts of revelations to this. By coming together in each area and waiting on the Lord and His revealing of the strategy. We will be given the complete history and the enemy will not be able to hide any part of the "events" that took place.
This is where the second phase of the strategy has to be established and maintained. The Lord has already began this stage with all of the Apostolic hubs and worship centers that are in place now.
There MUST already be an Apostolic government in each area to keep the enemy from returning to power. These "outposts" will serve as the main governing Ecclesia of the Body in that region. It will also be like a heart center where the life Blood of Jesus flows. Perpetual worship and intercession will flow out to empower the Angelic warriors and Ministers to do what they have been waiting to do from the beginning of time.
As the people begin to be transformed under the Glory there will be a FLOOD of harvest. The existing Body of Christ will have to be completely lead by Holy Spirit. The Apostles and Prophets will have to have the supernatural wisdom and knowledge to know how and what to do.
25 years ago the Lord downloaded to me the vision and revelation of how He wants His church to function. As usual with the Lord it was simple, it is the restoration of the original Church structure that Jesus set up before He ascended.
The foundations are the Apostles and Prophets. They as well as the rest of the five fold ministries will flow in divine order to equip the Body and release them into their destiny. The true love for one another will be manifest as the economy of the Kingdom will be restored and we will have all things in common.
How blessed we are to be chosen to live during this time to be a part of this, the greatest time that ever was. The entire body, the cloud of witnesses included will come together in unity every member supplying and joining with the other parts to bring the WHOLE! As each area across the earth begins to be set free, the portals will begin to spread connecting with each other opening up more of Gods Glory to fill the earth.
This all sounds wonderful and is what we have been waiting for, but as this comes it will bring division to the Body. There is a great paradigm shift taking place. The Spirit of Christ will always offend and reveal the religious Spirit.
Throughout history each new move of God has been persecuted by the previous one before it. Since the reformation, we have functioned in the same church structure. As you already know, it comes from Constantine the Roman emperor when he organized the Christians in 325 A.D. It is a Greek - Roman government system mixed with some original church structure.
It took the Apostolic, Prophetic anointing and foundation out of the Church. This structure is demonic and robs the Body of its power. That is what it is intended to do.
Because we lack this power, we have resorted to the world's techniques and methods. We "woo" the people in and make them comfortable. We give them a palatable watered down gospel and do not dare say anything offensive. Not only do we think that this is love, but it would also greatly affect the offering! The Malachi 3 scripture that we use as we "pass the plate" manipulating people to give so we can keep paying the bills, is a lie from the enemy. It keeps us under the curse of the Old Testament that Christ died to remove.
This is not the Love or the Power that Jesus gave His life for. The Malachi 3 deception (as I call it) and the American( false) dream, work hand in hand to keep away the best of what God has for His people. We are walking in a 10% Christianity when it is supposed to be a 100% life exchange. This is one of the reasons that we are only experiencing about 10% of the outpouring that God wants to do.
No matter how far you are on the cutting edge of what God is doing in the Apostolic and Prophetic arena, God is restructuring how we "Do" church. Even though we have made huge advancements in breaking the controlling religious and jezebel spirits, the stench of it remains in most of our church gatherings. We have had many anointed teachings given to the Body about this, but it still has a grip on us.
The Leaders of the Church have been trapped in a financial Baal system of Mammon without even knowing it. Today's Apostles, Profits, and Teachers have been forced to use the world systems to "sell" the prophetic revelation and anointed Words they have been given to have financial support. This is because we have not been taught what the first church lived in and died for, LOVE.
The Leaders of Gods people should NEVER be put in a position like this. We should be walking in such a place of intimacy with the Lord that when He tells us how much and where to give we simply obey because none of our material wealth this belongs to us. When we made Him Lord of our life we gave Him control over it all. The call has always been the same. Pick up your cross and follow me, if you lose your life you will find it, if you love the world you are an enemy of God, laying down your life for your friends. All things are His if we have truly given our lives to Him. The Gospel that Jesus preached was and is EVERYTHING.
There is a problem in the heart of His people that grieves God. The truth is we already have all the wealth that we need in the Body right now to support all of what He wants to do.
This is a major part of the transference of wealth that has been prophesied. He gave us everything but we have been tricked to give 10% and some offerings. We are not willing to give everything that the Holy Spirit tells us to. We reason that we have worked hard for what we have and God has blessed us. The wealth He has given us is for the advancement of the Kingdom, not 10% for God, 90% for me.
As the revelation of Love changes the heart of Gods people the Lords finances begin to be released. This will free members of the Body from having to serve the mammon system every day for a paycheck. This flood of freedom will enable the ones that are called to "Go out" into the world, to do what they are put here to do. The power of love and unity will release the multiplication to Gods people and create His economy.
It's all very simple and is out lined in the book of Acts. This is Gods economy working through His government distributing to the needs of the Body. In order for this economy to operate, the Apostolic government must be fully functioning. Just as in the early church the more that came into the church the more it brought Gods provision, the more could go out, it’s synergy.
I had a vision as I was writing this. The Lord showed me an old wooden bucket the kind that was made of strips and bound around with metal straps. I was looking down into the inside and saw that the strips were separating. There was moss inside and the wood was rotting, water (Gods presence) was flowing out. Then a galvanized metal bucket appeared inside the wood one. I asked the Lord what this meant He told me that the strips that made up the old bucket were the different ministers that he used back in the turn of the century to pour out His Spirit. Greats like Lake, Wigglesworth, McPherson, Brenham and all the others that gave up everything to serve the Lord. They stood side-by-side bound together by Gods call so that His Glory could be poured out. These great men and women of the faith were His vessels. What God did through them still resonates in the land but the move could not be sustained because Gods government was not in place. It slowly came apart and the Glory drained out.
The galvanized bucket symbolized the next great move coming. No longer are the ministers separate, they are all one. Each element melted together and rolled through a press. The galvanization (the process that stops corrosion-corruption) of Gods people has been preparing us, now we must be pressed together. No one will stand out, we will be One with the government fully functioning, the Head firmly in place and only God will get the Glory.
A TESTIMONY Over the years my wife and I have visited the grave of John G. Lake in Spokane, Washington. We were drawn there long before the understanding of this revelation came. We would go there to be still and listen for what the Lord would say. There is a portal there because his anointing still resides with his D.N.A.; something we did not understand at the time. On one occasion when we were there and I knelt down and touched the ground I heard a powerful word that shook me to the core, "BIRTH IT". At that same moment, my wife felt the earth shake beneath her feet. It has been several years since that happened and we have not had the fullness of the understanding until now. It was a manifestation of this call to go and bring forth the movement of freedom to the armies of God and the earth itself.
It was not intended but by Gods divine plan this word was completed on May 26th, Memorial Day 2014. I believe that His intent is to honor all of the men and women throughout history that have given their lives for freedom against evil. May we go forward with the price they have paid and take the earth back for the Glory of God.
Attached is a list of the people and or ministry’s that I have been instructed to send this to. Feel free to send it on to whoever you feel lead to. In doing this I believe that it will be a bringing together of the ones that are called to accomplish this task. The Power is in His people. Thank you and to God be the Glory. Scott Loomis. Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. U.S.A.
Dutch Sheets
Chuck Pierce
Jim Chosa
Patricia King
Rick Joyner
Cindy Jacobs
Terry Bennett
Paul Keith Davis
Lou Ingle
Angela Greenig
Bonnie Jones
Ian Clayton
Wendy Alec
Charles Shamp
Arleen Westerhof
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