Author: Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche
Balm in Gilead
by, Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche
Daughter, there is a balm in Gilead! It’s not a temporary fix! When Jesus fixes you, you are fixed!
It’s time for the world to turn its eyes to the daughters of God! The world needs to see the Church healed. You have access to it! When the daughters of God rise up, they will have the answer! The daughters of the world won’t have to turn to a secular psychologist to be healed from abuse and multiple personalities. It will be a woman who is filled with the power of God that will say, “I know a God who loves you just the way you are. Right now, He will receive you. You don’t have to go through therapy for twenty-five years to be healed.” Someone has to stand up in the Church and talk about these issues so that the daughters of God can receive their healing. As you step into your healing, the glory of God will shine through you, and the world will turn toward you and say, “How did you do it? Give us the answer!”
Go up into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin, the daughter of Egypt: in vain shalt thou use many medicines; for thou shalt not be cured. - Jeremiah 46:11
The daughter of Egypt represents the daughters of the world. In vain the world looks for a cure. They are calling the psychic hotlines, they are watching the talk shows, and they’re reading the self-help books. They are searching for healing in all the wrong places. Hundreds of years ago, a prophet wrote that the daughters of the world will search in vain. They will try many medicines, but they will not be cured.
I have prayed with so many women that say to me, “I can’t forgive. I hate this person.” I tell them I understand.
A person may walk around confessing, “I forgive them, I forgive them.” However, in their heart of hearts, they actually hate them. The Holy Spirit is a discerner of the thoughts, the intents, and the purposes of the heart. You are naked and opened before Him. All things are known. There is nothing hidden. You are intimately known by your Creator.
Sometimes the Lord will just say something that will smack you right between the eyes! I can only speak from my personal experience, but I remember being in a service one night after I was saved. In an instant He told me, “You hate this person who abused you.” I was sick to my stomach because I had said, “I forgive him.” God, in a moment, just took the sword of the Spirit and went “whoosh!” He revealed something to me that I was ready to handle.
The Lord will only ask you to do what you’re ready to do. He won’t take you any further than you’re ready to go. If something is too much for you to handle, the Lord won’t even reveal it. The only person who can do that for you is the Word of God. Counseling can’t do that, but God can.
God is love, and love Himself resides on the inside of you. Love has taken residence within your being. That love will cover a multitude of sins.
Yield to love like you would yield to the Holy Ghost. Allow His ability to work in you and to do what you could not do yourself. It’s not about feelings. It’s not about trying. It’s a decision to let go. It’s about surrendering to His divine ability. Allow God to love through you. In the process, that love will create a riverbed of provision and blessing in your life.
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