"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:34–35 NASU
Sweethearts celebrate their love and affections for each other. Have you thought of something special to do for the ones you love? 1 Corinthians 13:4–8, “Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails; NASU” Is there any area of love where you can improve?
Watch for Divine alignments as two (Lion & Lioness) become as one sharp instrument. Be bold and as strong as a lion! The lion is the king of beast. The Kingly anointing is being released. So how do we walk as Kings? Covenant couples will walk boldly together in the power of agreement. They will both spiritually and physically demonstrate God’s love and reproductive power to advance the Kingdom of God! Song of Solomon is being highlighted this year. God is going to visit you at an inconvenient time so prepare yourself. Will you be watchful for His coming? Will you pursue God with all your heart or let Him vanish in the night? God’s banner over us is love! Be encouraged. Love is in the air! God is orchestrating the paths of people who will connect to bring forth His purposes through a holy union.
Married couples should cherish each other and treat each other as royalty. As a single woman, I often hear married people complain about their spouse. Women say things like, “He brought the wrong kind of hamburger meat home, so I sent him right back to the store to get what I told him.” Instead of being thankful she has a husband, and he brought home the “bacon” so to speak, she belittles nags, criticizes or complains. Do you get upset over the smallest things? Like someone leaving the lid off the toothpaste, the toilet seat was left up or the roll was put on the dispenser the wrong way? Is it wrong because it’s not your way? Ladies should make their home a safe, peaceful place of rest and comfort; a place of tranquil escape from the pressures of life. Your home should be the place where you minister to each others needs, wants and desires. Does your husband or wife eagerly look forward to seeing you after a long hard day of work? Or do they dread the negative reception they receive? Ladies do you fix up, put on your makeup and look your best? Or do you meet him in your worn out sweats with rollers in your hair?
My heart is grieved when I hear women taking their husbands for granted, vilifying or tearing them down. Women should take every opportunity possible to respect and praise her husband. She should build him up and treat him like a King. People respond to the way you treat them. If you treat a person like a king or queen they will act like a king or queen. When I listen to women mistreating their husbands, my heart prays, “Lord please teach me how to treat a man like a King. And give me a husband that will bring hamburger meat home!” I get so excited thinking of ways to please him. I’d kiss his handsome face and give him a big thank you in many different ways. Marriage is a gift from God to be treasured and nurtured. Do you appreciate the one you love? How are you treating the King or Queen you are married to?
I believe Abigail of Carmel, the beautiful, intelligent, discerning wife of Nabal the wealthy Calebite is a good example of how a woman should treat a man. 1 Samuel 25: Abigail saw herself as a servant to others. Although Nabal was a harsh, worthless, evil man who put his whole household in grave danger with his drunken loud arrogance, Abigail honored him.
David and his mighty men had guarded Nabal’s livestock and kept thieves from breaking in to steal. David sent a delegation to ask Nabal for food to feed his hungry men on the feast day. Nabal’s response to David was not one of gratitude but of rebuff and critical insult. He didn’t recognize David’s kingly anointing so he despised him in front of everyone. David and his mighty men strapped their swords on to kill Nabal and wipeout his whole household.
But, an astute servant informed Abigail of her husband’s severe mistake. Abigail lost no time in deciding what was necessary and proper. She instantly discerned and took charge of the situation. She loaded the donkeys with gifts of food and humbly went to arbitrate with David on her husband’s behalf. Women aren’t called to be weak and helpless but a helpmate to their husbands. When she met David and his men on their way to kill Nabal she gracefully dismounted, falling respectfully on her face before David’s feet. She said, "On me alone, my lord, is the blame. And please let your maidservant speak to you, and listen to the words of your maidservant. Please forgive my trespasses. I did not know your men had come to my home looking for food. I would have prepared a hospitable welcome for them.”
Then Abigail prophesied the word of the Lord to David. “The Lord will give you an enduring house, fight your battles, and evil will not be found in you. If anyone rises to pursue or seeks your life, you will live and not die. The Lord will avenge you of the life of Nabal.” Abigail asked David to remember her when the Lord did him good and appointed him as King over Israel.
David received the many presents from Abigail’s industrious hand. He blessed and respected Abigail. He took heed to her wise counsel and advice. Her quick wit and decisive heart kept David from harming Nabal and her household. She protected her husband even when he was wrong.
When Nabal sobered up Abigail told him what she had done. He was furious. He was so mad his heart turned to stone. Ten days later the Lord stuck Nabal dead.
When David learned Abigail was a widow he sent a marriage proposal through his servants to her. Today most women would be insulted that a servant proposed instead of David. “Who does he think he is sending a lowly servant to ask for my hand in marriage? I deserve better than that!” But, when Abigail heard the proposal she arose, bowed her face to the earth, and greeted David’s servants saying, "Here is your maidservant; a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord." So Abigail quickly accepted David’s proposal. She rode on a donkey, attended by five of her maidens. Abigail followed David’s messengers, and happily became David’s wife.
I think it is significant that it says, Abigail quickly followed the messengers in order to become David’s wife. I’m afraid too often women try to rise and take the lead, instead of learning to encourage their husbands to take the lead, so they can follow. This year let’s learn to lock arms and walk side by side lovingly supporting each other in covenant relationships. Those of us who are single should take note of the great grace that was upon Abigail. Ask the Lord to prepare a servants heart within you. Then, God will be able to send the man of your dreams to propose to you.
“Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8–9NASU
Forget New Year resolutions we never keep them anyway. Instead write the vision and goals God has given you and make them plain. Pray much and watch Him fulfill them. You remember what you write. The thoughts and visions of your mind are imprinted on your heart when you record them. When you write something down it is easier to remember. Writing a plan or strategy brings the dream out of the vaporous realm of spirit and helps it materialize. Make the vision clear so you can run with the horses this year.
If you don’t write your goals you won’t accomplish your dreams. Dreams only come true if you write them down and follow their path. Be proactive; take the necessary actions to bring them into reality. If you wait for the perfect time or the optimal conditions you will never begin. Don’t let perceived or unperceived problems and obstacles keep you from advancing. Decide to solve each problem as it arises but keep moving forward.
If you are afraid, don’t let the fear stop you. Do it anyway and you will get ahead of the fear. Be an active doer; keep walking towards your future. Be determined to accomplish each of your goals. Each positive step you take towards your future leaves your dark limiting fears in the past.
Have you ever asked yourself what is required to be a success? What does it mean to be successful? What does success look and feel like to you? The choices we make determine the measure of our success. To be successful one only needs to harness the desire for excellence and let it work through you. Do you have a life dream that is calling you into your destiny? What is hindering you from fulfilling your dreams? To be successful we must accomplish the deep desires of our heart. Success takes courage.
Negative, small thinking and bad attitudes limit your success. If you believe you can succeed you will. As a person thinks in their heart so are they. People see the invisible images in us. What we believe about ourselves we will project to others and they will treat us accordingly. What are you projecting to others about yourself? Believe in God and what His word says about you. Believe in yourself and believe in those you love. God has a plan for your success and happiness. Put your hope and trust in God; He will bring it to pass.
God plants specific desires within the heart of each person. We are to seek His heart and delight ourselves in God until we are given the keys to unlock those desires. If we commit our ways to God, rest in the Lord, wait on and trust in Him, He will bring our hearts desires to past. Believe God for big things, remain positive and look at every challenge with great expectation of success. Our faith in God will remove every mountainous obstacle that looms before us. When we embrace the desires of our heart we empower a life of success. Psalms 37:4–7
If we deny or ignore our hearts desire we settle for a life that is far below the standard God has for us. Jesus said He came to give us an abundant life. How can we live an abundant life if the desires of our heart are not fulfilled? We must realize that it is God who placed those desires in our heart in the first place. He placed them there so He could grant us the power to live life to the fullest. Believers have not been called to be average, mediocre or failures. Your future will be prosperous if you embrace your dreams. Our dreams come from the desires of our heart. The right desires of our hearts come from God.
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Camille Era 9 years ago
Thank you, Dr. Barbie, for sharing this. :-) i am blessed.