Memory is the expression of imagination. It is ability to retain or recall things or events that have been imagined or experienced in the past. Memory lost is the obsession or passionate dream one fails or refuses to remember.
Foresight is the act of looking forward with a careful, thoughtful regard for the future. It is the ability to imagine things that can take place in the future. The presence of the Holy Spirit teaches our spiritual eyes of faith to see into the invisible. God grants us visionary access to walk into a reality that is superior to the natural realm where we exist most of the time. Once we gain God’s vision for our future we are able to prophesy it into existence. If we will take a leap into the future, boldly decree the things we see from God’s perspective, He will establish them for us. The Holy Spirit reveals knowledge that supersedes the rational of carnal reasoning and possesses an internal power that transforms us from the inside out.
Focused faith will cause one to realize the profound possibilities that exist in the invisible realm. Faith gives us access to the invisible realms of the spirit so we can erase the borders of limitation. The fundamental fact of existence is that faith and trust in God is the firm foundation that makes life worth living. The world was called into existence through faith in an unseen God. He commanded creative words to reveal the concealed and bring it forth into being.
Faith that is mixed with hope brings forth the fertile ground of a new reality out of the invisible realm of nothingness. Faith reveals the plans God has concealed in His heart. The heart will instruct us in the night season. The imagination finds pleasure when it sees something that is new or exceptional. When we maintain our focus on the Lord, we are able to rest in hope, knowing we have a good inheritance. When we bless the Lord, the Holy Spirit gives us counsel and shows us the path of abundant life. Entering God’s presence releases the fullness of joy so we can experience the pleasures of God forevermore.
The curious soul yearns to explore innovations and pioneer the unknown. The unknown is an open-door that invites us to participate in engineering a new life. In sculpting our brilliant futures we will encounter the unexpected as we dwell in, and walk through dimensions that are beyond our control. This season of discovery brings us to the realization that our steps are ordered by the only, all-knowing, powerful, loving God. He pours out grace, mercy and revelation knowledge to empower us to embrace the new journey every morning. Creative ideas flood the imagination, bringing gratification and delightful surprise to the ardent searchers, as they behold amazing sights that have never before been possessed, documented or even known in existence.
Faith is the spiritual substance that brings proof to the unseen eternal realm of promise and possibilities. Faith makes real the things we hope for. Faith is the proof of what we cannot see. The things we see were made by God, who cannot be seen with our natural eyes. Faith must see through the eyes of understanding with an enlightened heart. Faith in God’s Word enables our mind to be renewed by the Spirit to think like God. When our mind and heart are renewed by hearing the Words of the Holy Spirit, we become doers of the Word. Revelation is the meat of the Word, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, that comes to us as rhema or a now expression of God. Faith moves us into the now. God’s Word lays a broad, strong foundation in our life for Him to build upon. God dwells in earthen vessels (2Corinthians 4:7). God wants to set up His habitation within us. When God possesses us, we will imitate Him. We reflect or imitate that which we believe. Faith will cause the invisible power of the kingdom of God to manifest in and through our life.
God the Father grants us the spirit of wisdom so we can discern the future. We are instructed to have faith in God. We must also have the faith of God to see mountains removed from our life. God does not doubt. He knows and believes that the things He says will be done; they will come to pass. Therefore we must adopt this powerful, godly life principle. Whatever we ask, when we pray, believe that we receive it and we will have it. To receive answers to our prayers, we need to pray in the name and character of God. Pray and believe that you have God’s answers. See things through God’s perspectives of grace. When we agree with the grace in God’s heart, He will give us the desires of our heart. When sin abounds the world is terrorized, but when God’s grace thrives the world is given a hope in a future.
If we do not agree with God’s supernatural ways and plans, our imagination moves out of the higher realms of the spirit and into the inferior natural realms of doubt and unbelief. When doubt reigns, faith is then limited to the temporal, that which we see with our natural eyes or know in our intellect. Unbelief sets a narrow limit on our achievement by defining what we believe is possible, so nothing great can be accomplished.
Holy Spirit gives us the spirit of revelation so we can obtain godly knowledge. Knowledge empowers us to move from the unknown to God’s revealed will. Revelation creates spiritual motion revealing God’s current plans and desires. By revelation, the Holy Spirit makes the mysteries of Christ known to us. When we correctly discern the move of the Holy Spirit with the eyes of our heart, we are enlightened. When we are enlightened, we are transformed from faith to glory, enabling us to expand the kingdom of God. Our complete trust is placed in Christ, who knows the hope He has placed upon our life’s calling as believers. The true riches in glory, which releases power to operate in signs, wonders and miracles, are only obtainable through the realms of the Holy Spirit. Without revelation knowledge, we will never experience the power of God flowing through us.
When we worship God in Spirit and in truth, we are able to see with the eyes of our spiritual imagination. Faith allows us to access what is available in the realms of the invisible. Once we imagine a thing, it can be drawn into actuality. Holy Spirit opens the realms of vision so we can see His heart’s desire and speak them into existence. We become the channel the Holy Spirit flows through to bring heaven to earth. When we give expression to the move of the Holy Spirit, His power and presence will manifest on earth.
God is the creator who formed and fashioned the universe through the spoken word. God brought His dream of creation into existence. He imagined a magnificent universe and a world full of beautiful landscapes, raging oceans, brilliant sounds and majestic creatures. God breathed His Spirit into Adam. God’s spiritual DNA gave Adam the ability to speak things into existence. Adam had the power to imagine the characteristics and functions of each animal. Whatever Adam named the animal it became. God creates unique individuals in His image, none of us are ordinary. We are created in God’s image with the ability to create in our mind through the imagination. Anything that has ever been created was first thought of or imagined in someone’s mind. What have you been called to imagine and prayerfully bring into existence?
In Christ we can be renewed in the spirit of our mind, becoming a new person who operates in righteousness, truth and holiness in the likeness of God’s attributes. Imagination reveals truth that our current reality has obscured. Our true spiritual life begins when we awake and live out our dreams. Sadly, some true stories are never realized because it takes courage and risk to live a bold life.
The strength of the Father’s great glory gives us the power to be strong in our spirit. When our spirit man is strong, the love of Christ lives in our heart through faith. We begin to imagine and understand the greatness of the depths and heights of His love. When we are possessed by God’s love we can be filled with the divine nature and everything God has promised us. When God’s transforming love is working within us, God can do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we can ask, think or imagine.
Tragically, most people do not know how to freely accept, understand or receive God’s love thinking they must earn God’s love through works. They do not know how to interpret the illustrated love letters God sends in their dreams. Individuals who know how to use their imagination in a godly, productive way are in the minority. People have been taught that the imagination is evil or ungodly, but, everyone uses their imagination in some way every day. Sometimes we worry, imagining the worst possible scenario taking place in our lives and our dreams reflect this attitude. One is never as fortunate or as ill-fated as one imagines. We must learn to live out of a godly imagination, not from our painful history. Most people fearfully focus on the problems that haunt their life rather than magnifying God, who is the creator and giver of life. When we magnify God, He becomes bigger than the problems we face. When we prayerfully focus on God, He is drawn into the situation. When the light of God’s presence comes, we are delivered from the darkness of difficulty, sin and sickness. Jesus rebuked Peter because he was not setting his mind on God’s interests, but on man’s.
Prayer is communing with and seeking God with our whole heart. Prayer is speaking forth God’s plans and focusing on His purposes for our life. God’s plan is to totally restore us, prosper and give us a hope and a bright future.
Prophecy, which is the testimony of Jesus, is able to open spiritual gateways and give vision for the future. When the hearing of God’s word is infrequent, vision is rare. When we hear God’s word, we become visionaries and doers of His word. We are able to cast vision. When people do not hear God’s voice, they lose hope. Without a vision people perish. Hearing God’s voice and seeing His plans releases hope for the future. Vision is God’s blue print to prosperity. When we magnify God and call upon His name, He supplies the needed answers and delivers us from hopelessness and all fear. God and God alone holds the solutions to the difficulties of life. Imagination can help us visualize and discern our future so we can walk in it.
Whatever we focus on we will empower, be it positive or negative. Whatever we study or focus upon we will draw into our realm of influence or experience. Job said it this way, “That which I feared or saw happening ahead of time has come upon me.” The imagination has the ability to draw constructive elements or destructive forces into our life. What we think on will become evident and visible. Whatever we behold we become.
To truly prosper we must fill our minds with God, think on and meditate on the goodness of God. Focus on positive things that are true, right, pure, noble, honorable, reputable, authentic, and compelling— the best, not the worst; the beautiful, gracious and lovely, not the ugly things that distract or curse. Imagination gives us wings to soar above.
Constantly dwell on those things that are of a good character, excellent and praiseworthy so the God of peace will be with you. We should maintain a gentle spirit towards man and a joyful heart of thanksgiving towards God. Prayer requests and thanksgiving cause God to draw near.
Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt
Breath of the Spirit Ministries
Author of
Dream Encounters Seeing Your Destiny from God’s Perspective
Gateway to the Seer Realm Look Again to See Beyond the Natural
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