Author: Dr. Christian Harfouche

There was once a man named Lazarus, who was suffering with tuberculosis. Bedridden for six years and reduced to skin and bones, all hope had been lost. He was given up to die. As the disease progressed, he had become increasingly angry and bitter towards God. He prayed repeatedly for healing, but Heaven seemed to have overlooked his plea. Six years passed.
Through word of mouth, Smith Wigglesworth heard of this man and his plight. He asked the Lord about it and God directed him to raise Lazarus up. Going to his house, Wigglesworth began to share the Word of God with the man. He wanted to get him into agreement with the Word of God, but Lazarus would not hear any of it. The man was dying and he did not want to hear about the promises of God.
Just because God told you to do something, doesn’t mean that it is going to be easy! This is why many are called and few are chosen (Matthew 22:14). The chosen ones overcome the obstacles and prevail until the end. Remember, it’s the one that is called that decides to be chosen.
With Holy Ghost resolve, Wigglesworth left the room and said, “Can I get seven people to pray with me?” He did not allow himself to be moved by the man’s unbelief. Gathering seven people in the sickroom, they joined hands in agreement. Wigglesworth, speaking to the group, announced, “We are not going to pray! Instead, we will use the name of Jesus.” They began to say, “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!” and the power of God filled the house.
There is power in the name of Jesus.
His Name is above every name.
Some might say, “I can’t praise Jesus, I am in debt.”
Jesus is bigger than debt!
Others might say, “I can’t praise Jesus, I am sick.”
Jesus is bigger than sick!
Jesus is bigger than broke. Jesus is bigger than bound. Jesus is bigger than weak. Jesus is bigger than anything that can come against you. If you will use the name of Jesus in your life, you will not fall short of your position in God. Your experience in life will testify to the Name that you lift up.
As the power of God began to fall, Smith Wigglesworth said, “I am not going to help God. This is God! I am going to let Him do it Himself.” Turning to the man, Wigglesworth said, “Lazarus, that is the power of God in this room and you need to receive it.” Lazarus broke down and said, “I have been bitter. I have been angry with God because for six years I haven’t been healed. I have been mad.” Wigglesworth answered, “Repent and God will hear you.” With that, they left the man with the Holy Ghost and marched downstairs.
Alone with God, Lazarus asked the Lord to forgive him. When he did, God supernaturally touched him and he rose up out of the sickbed, completely healed!
The day has come when the Church will no longer pray long, belabored prayers, begging God to do something. It is a day when the saint will dwell in a life of prayer. They won’t just pound Heaven when things go wrong, but they will walk in a place of unending communication and fellowship with God. It won’t be,“Gimme, gimme, gimme, my name is Jimmy, I will take what you gimme.” It won’t be religious, but from the sincerity and the simplicity of their heart, believers will touch Heaven.
Jesus said, “Your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him” (Matthew 6:8). He knows that you need clothes. He knows that you need to eat. He knows that you need to abide and reside. The Father will take care of all of these things. He will provide for you, but if you will apply the power of the Name, then the majority of your prayer life will consist of praising God for His faithfulness.
Walk in the realm of prayer today. Lift up the name of Jesus, high above every care and concern. Abide in His presence and allow thankfulness to fill your heart.
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