Author: Dr. Robin Harfouche
People say, “Well, how do you do miracles? Is that a special thing that only some people can do?” Jesus said go ye into all the world. He said to lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. He said this to believers. Every believer can lay hands on the sick and see them recover.
In the beginning of the 90’s, my husband and I decided to get aggressive with sickness and disease. It was our enemy, and we wanted to go after it. We began to aggressively attack it in every form.
We would pull people out of wheelchairs. My husband would hit people in their stomachs, and tumors would dissolve. I know that sounds wild, but the Holy Ghost would tell him to do it. An unction would come on him, and he would step out in the gift of faith under a supernatural directive.
In normal circumstances, a person would double over in pain if you socked them in the stomach or yanked them out of a wheelchair. However, when the gift of faith is in operation, they just get healed.
It took me awhile to step out in that gift because I didn’t want to move in presumption and hurt someone! The first woman that I ever hit in the stomach had a tumor the size of a five month old pregnancy. This gift came on me, and I just went “POW!” Her skirt fell off because the tumor instantly dissolved! Thank God it was a women’s meeting!
When you’re in the realm of the Spirit, it’s natural to be supernatural.
When you begin to move in miracles, you actually start with headaches and colds. You don’t just wake up to the ability to pull someone out of a wheelchair! The Lord will start you out with small things, and as your faith grows, you will work up to seemingly bigger things. It’s a progression. The Lord leads you in that progression so that you don’t move in presumption, but by the power of His Spirit.
I remember the first time that we ever pulled somebody out of a wheelchair. We had just finished a miracle service, and we were preparing to leave. It was one of those meetings where everybody in the building got their miracle—everybody. People couldn’t even get within twenty feet of us without falling out under the power.
My husband was standing in the pulpit and said, “Well, I guess there is nobody else here that needs a miracle. We’ll just wrap up the service and go home.” All of a sudden, from the back of the auditorium, this person started yelling, “Wait! Wait! Wait!” We watched as this woman was rolled down the aisle in a wheelchair. She had never used her legs— thirty-three years in that wheelchair! She had thirteen different forms of arthritis, and her knees were bent and appeared glued together. Her feet were turned out at the bottom, so if you stood her up, she would actually be standing on her ankles.
My husband and I looked at her, and we just said, “Okay.” We put our hands on her and there was no gift of great faith. Fire did not come down from heaven. We didn’t feel a thing, but we laid our hands on her and prayed the prayer of faith. At this point in our ministry, we had never witnessed a severely crippled person come out of a wheelchair.
There’s a progression to your faith.
I’ll never forget it. My husband said to her, “Why don’t you do something that you’ve never been able to do before.” She reached out her hands, and grabbed our hands and stood up. When she stood up, she stood on her ankles. Her feet were turned out flat, and her knees were still stuck together. I was pretty much convinced that this woman was not healed. I thought, “If this was a miracle, her feet would have flipped back in, her knees would have come apart, and she would have been running!”
God was teaching me that there is a working of miracles. Sometimes you have to actually work a miracle. Getting down on my knees, I put my hands on one of her feet and I began to pray. I said, “In the name of Jesus!” All of a sudden, one foot went “Pop!” and snapped back into place! Then I put my hands on the other one, and it did the same thing! I watched it! Then her knees disconnected, and she stood straight up. We started walking her around!
Since she was still very wobbly, it really didn’t look like a miracle to me. Yes, her feet had popped in. Yes, her knees had separated. Yes, she was walking, but I thought, “If this is a real miracle, she’ll let go of our hands, stand straight up and start running.”
She had us walking her around for twenty minutes! She would not sit down! Finally we said to her, “You’ve got to sit down.” We had to end the meeting and release the people. With great resolution, she firmly replied, “I have been in this wheelchair for thirty-three years and I am not sitting down!” After we left, she continued to walk around the auditorium.
My husband and I returned to the hotel. This was in Hollywood. He went to one side of the bed, and I went to the other side of the bed. We were exhausted. We started taking off our clothes, and, all of a sudden, we both looked at each other and said, “OH MY GOODNESS! SHE HADN’T WALKED IN THIRTY-THREE YEARS!” It was like a light bulb went on! We both started crying.
Later we received the report that she was completely healed and no longer needed a wheelchair.
When you’re in the realm of the Spirit, it’s natural to be supernatural. It’s so natural. The supernatural feels entirely natural! You see things and know things that you would never be able to ordinarily know. It’s natural for a Christian to be supernatural! It’s natural for you to see in the Spirit. It’s natural for you to feel the healing virtue come out of your hands. It’s natural for you to get a word of knowledge and a word of wisdom. It’s natural for you to flow in the things of the Spirit. It’s natural for you to fall into a trance, go to heaven, and come back again! It’s natural! It’s totally natural!
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john martin 12 years ago
Our God is awsome and there is no one like Him..Amen