By Jean Wright
The other day, I grabbed a protein shake, opened it and took a drink. It didn’t taste very good. You see, you’re supposed to shake it up before you drink it. Looking at the instructions, it said “shake well before using.” I started to think about that word “shake.”
As we look at our world, we see that it is being shaken. The economy is not good, people continue to look for employment to no avail, enemies are rising up against the United States and our allies, the Constitution is being questioned and Christians are being targeted and discriminated against because of their belief in God. We see brother fighting against brother, father against child, nations against nations…and the list goes on. It can be disheartening, draining and downright depressing!
We also see that the Church is being shaken. God is doing something different, something new, something fresh…He’s shaking it up! As He shakes our traditional mindsets from the old to the new, from the past to the future, from the way we used to do things to allowing Holy Spirit to lead us, we can see the hand of God...as we are shaken.
As the church is shaken, God reminds us to trust in him. TRUST. A five letter word meaning to rely upon or place confidence in someone or something. It seems easy enough. We all say that we trust God. But do we? Do we trust God to take care of our children, maintain our finances, complete our healing, or make sure the things that we’ve worked so hard to obtain are kept safe? In Psalms 30:10 & 11, it says, “..but he who trusts in the Lord, mercy shall surround him. Be glad in the Lord and rejoice you righteous and shout for joy all you upright in heart.”
It’s good to be shaken. I know that sounds odd. I’m not a big fan of the storms that can knock me off my feet either. But if we are never shaken, we become complacent and satisfied with an adequate life resulting in a status quo Christian walk. He wants to shake all we know that is constant in our lives, so that we trust fully in Him. When we’re shaken, our faith should come to the forefront and declare victories and His promises over those difficult situations that we face.
As the world around us is shaken, maybe today your very foundation is being shaken; we can choose to do that five letter word. TRUST – to rely upon God. According to God’s promise, “trust in the Lord and mercy shall surround you.” Then be glad, be happy, be joyful, be secure in the Lord! He is the One who watches over you day and night and never sleeps (Psalms 121:3). He is the One who will never leave your nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). Go ahead, let Him shake you up!
Jean has been the Administrative Assistant at Gateway Church in Ashtabula, Ohio for the past two years. She recently participated in XP Missions, Operation Justice Cambodia, and had a life changing experience in Poipet, Cambodia. God has turned her heart toward hurting women and children. Jean’s involved in a ministry that reaches out to abused women to help them find their identity through Christ.
Jean also serves on The Wave Leadership team at Gateway Church. Jean and her husband, Brian, have been married for 31 years and have two children, Jason (TX) and Amanda (LA).
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Deborah Kingzett 12 years ago
Love it! Awesome word! Thanks so much for sharing!!!