This month (July 2012) it was announced that scientists, in their research into quantum physics, have discovered the evidence of the long sought after Higgs Boson, a particle also dubbed the "God Particle" by many. This particle gives evidence to what was long suspected to be a pervasive, and until now, undetected field, also called the Higgs Field, which envelops everything throughout the universe. It was suspected to be there, because it is what they believe gives mass to all matter. The boson was named after the physicist Peter Higgs, who proposed the existence of this particle in 1964. The Higgs Boson had since become one of the most sought after particles in the intriguing field of quantum physics.
They still don't know exactly what it is, but they do know what it does. It has been called the "God Particle" because it is what gives every piece of mass throughout the universe it's definition and characteristics. Scientists are speculating that without the Higgs Field, everything would dematerialize in a moment. Meanwhile, the Scripture in Hebrews 1:3 states that is it God who upholds and holds all things together by the word of His power. No wonder some have dubbed it the “God Particle.”
The intriguing thing to me as a theologian is the fact that the whole field of quantum physics and quantum mechanics is leading scientists to face what people of faith have believed all along; that there is the existence of an unseen realm or dimension, that operates in an entirely different manner than the physical universe as we have known it.
We have arrived at a time when science and knowledge is multiplying in the earth at an amazing rate. This was specifically prophesied in the book of Daniel 12:4 "But Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal it up so that it will not be understood until the end times, when travel and education shall be vastly increased!" It is evident that travel and education have vastly increased. For example, the fastest man had ever traveled until about a century ago was 35 miles an hour. Now, we can arrive at a destination half way around the world in less than a day.
We are also at a time of mind boggling increases in knowledge, education and scientific discovery. At this time researchers are making amazing scientific discoveries in the intriguing realm of quantum physics. The disciplines of science, which have traditionally held a bias against the unseen realities heralded by theology, are now actually discovering proofs of the unseen world and the reality of spiritual dimensions previously only accessed by faith.
Author/pastor/theologian Phil Mason has made a major contribution to this understanding of the intersection of faith and science with his new book "QUANTUM GLORY: The Science of Heaven Invading Earth." (book details) As a well read and very knowledgeable student of quantum physics, but also a veteran practitioner of the supernatural realm of signs, wonders, healings and miracles, Pastor Phil Mason brings an astonishing and scholarly description of this exciting and inspiring world of what he calls Quantum Glory. His work is a tremendous contribution to our understanding of the relationship between the spiritual and the physical, and between God and His creation, as evidenced more and more by discoveries in the quantum world such as the “God Particle.”
About the author - Jim is an editor/project manager for XP Publishing. He also serves in prophetic ministry as an itinerate speaker. His previous experiences include serving as a pastor, author, teacher and itinerant speaker who has spoken at revival meetings, seminars, conferences and churches throughout the USA and Canada, providing training and mentoring on a number of topics including personal prophecy, revelatory gifts, healing seminars, and ministry training.
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